Victoria Fox
Honors Portfolio
Swing Dance was the club where I met almost all of my college friends! I have enjoyed so many lessons, meals, and dances with these people that they're part of my life story. From beginner, to advanced, to officer, I've grown so much throughout the years! (And I may be a Salsa Club traitor... shhhhh!)
What better place to explore the outdoors than in the Pacific Northwest! Hiking, camping, gardening, fishing, and swimming adventures helped keep me active and in tune with nature. As an Environmental Science student, my freetime spent outside was an important break from the (sometimes dry) classroom experience.
|Swing Dance|
|The Great Outdoors|
|Da Crew|
The greatest people you will ever meet. More like family to me than just friends, with the funny pictures and awesome memories to show for it.
The University of Washington offers many opportunities its students; I made it my personal goal to engage in every experience I could imagine. I found my niche in adventures including Registered Student Organizations, Study Abroad, on campus work, the Honors program, internships, and participation in research. Through these experiences, I not only wanted to explore these paths myself, but also to help others engage in fulfilling experiences through mentorship and leadership. The drive for exploration has diversified my college experience with opportunities I had never imagined as a freshman; it will be hard to find such a welcoming and open environment where I will be able to explore my interests outside of university.
|Study Abroad|
|Costa Rica|
From the dense cityscape to soaring mountains, damp jungles and misty cloud forests, our class bonded over the environmental and cultural richness of Costa Rica on a month long journey. My adventure through Costa Rica was a pivotal point in my life journey, as I had the space to take a step back and examine who I was, and who I wanted to become.
|Restoration Lab|
My experiences in Jon Bakker's lab have helped me gain my confidence in a professional setting, establish my skills as a researcher, and broadened my horizons to future career opportunities.
|UW Volleyball Club|
Volleyball has been one of the few constants in my life, and my time with the UW Volleyball Club has helped keep me physically fit and acted as an area of familiarity throughout my ever-changing college experience.
Well... not every experience I have had was profound! While cooking pizzas may not be my life's work, I now appreciate the time and energy that staff members put in to make this campus a healthy, sustainable, and well-fed environment for its students.
|Campus Work Experience|
|Pagliacci Pizza|
|Undergraduate Mentorship|
|Student Guide|