Victoria Fox
Honors Portfolio
Freshman Classes
Autumn Quarter 2014
Autumn Quarter, 2014: the very begining of my time here at the University of Washington. This was when I first started to lay down the foundation of my education and start digging my roots into the community. In these classes, I met some of my best friends, started to discover the path to my major, and gained my confidence for the rest of my college career. Coming right out of high school, I was not sure about what I wanted to pursue; however, I was accepted into the Honors Program and I had a passion for the Environmental Science classes I had taken in high school. So, for my first quarter, I jumped into the following classes:
Winter Quarter 2015
Winter Quarter, 2015: Registration was much easier this time around, and I had a much better idea of what I needed to take in order to start filling out prerequisites for most Majors. Although I wasn't certain about a major yet, I knew that I still needed to take some basic classes in order to keep my options open. I was starting to take a look at the Environmental Science and Resource Management major, but I had not yet decided- to compromise, I dediced to take the Honors Extreme Climates class in order to pursue my interests and fulfill a requirement at the same time. I was still getting comfortable with college classes, so I stayed with classes that I was familiar with from high school, such as chemistry, orchestra, and spanish.
This was a required, 1 credit class that all Honors Program students have to take during their first quarter at UW.
Because I had taken calculus in high school, I decided to gain my confidence and take the Honors version also.
Registration was tough for fall quarter as a freshman, and this was one of the only ESRM classes open that captured my interest.
I had taken Orchestra in high school, and I wanted to keep in practice. This was only 1 credit and once a week, easily fit into my schedule.
Title: Intro to
Type: I&S
Grade: 3.9
Title: Honors Calculus
Type: NW
Grade: 3.8
Title: Wildlife in the Modern World
Type: NW
Grade: 4.0
Title: Campus Philharmonia
Type: VLPA
Grade: 4.0
I had taken Spanish for 5 years in high school, and I wanted to continue to practice. Covered many of the toughest concepts in spanish language.
This was my first lecture hall sized class, and was a bit of an adjustment for my learning style. Labs were also new to me in this class.
Climate Sciences interested me, and I saw the perfect opportunity to take the Honors Extreme Climates class as part of my Program.
I really enjoyed this class the quarter before, and decided to stick with it for another quarter. 2 hours a week was good practice.
Title: General Chemistry
Type: NW
Grade: 3.2
Title: Honors
Extreme Climates
Type: NW
Grade: 3.6
Title: Intermediate Spanish
Type: VLPA
Grade: 3.7
Title: Campus Philharmonia
Type: VLPA
Grade: 4.0
Spring Quarter, 2015: I had really started to hit my stride this quarter. I had a great friend group, had joined a few clubs, and was getting a good handle on the new, more independent college learning style. I continued on with the Chemistry series and Orchestra, finished another honors requirement, and decided to take on the ESRM Major as a part of my degree. I felt like I was able to focus more on my classes now that I could see where they would fit into the "plan" for my college career. Socialization, exercise, good professors, and a passion for my classes lead to a great quarter.
Spring Quarter 2015
Title: Campus Philharmonia
Type: VLPA
Grade: 4.0
Title: Pacific North West Ecosystems
Type: NW
Grade: 3.9
I decided to continue on with orchestra for one last quarter, but it was obvious that my skill was falling behind. I loved orchestra, but I couldn't keep up.
I have a certain creative side that empassions in my life, so the Honors DIY and Maker Culture class seemed like an excelent place to combine creativity and intelligence.
This was a continuation of CHEM 142, but I had a professor who clicked much better with my learning style. I actually enjoyed the second CHEM class.
I wanted to jump in to the ESRM core classes, and I thrived in this course. This is certainly one of my favorite classes I have taken at UW.
Title: Honors- DIY and Maker Culture
Type: VLPA
Grade: 3.3
Title: General Chemistry II
Type: NW
Grade: 3.8